I’m using a free method as a result of my own researched to discover high value sites online for basically anything. The important thing is to tell Google what you’re looking for. Something like “Free Online Survey Sites That Pay”, then check page rank, and then both quality and quantity of visitors. You will find the article on how to apply this method on my Blog Titled – 2 Simple Research Tactics For Exponential Visitor Conversion At No Cost
My next self-funded business hit $160,000 in revenue in its first year alone. After that first taste of self-made success, I’ve gone on to sign consulting contracts worth tens of thousands of dollars with startups like LinkedIn and Google, launch profitable online courses, and grow my blog to over 400,000 monthly readers and $50,000/mo in side income.
Then, if my piece of content is so unique and valuable around hiking backpack recommendations, that other reputable outdoor websites are willing to link to it and build the page’s authority, then I’d have a very real opportunity to rank high in organic search for these search terms (meaning, my page will come up first when someone searches for hiking backpacks).